Facilitating Rapid Growth in Canadian Universities

Improving Social Media Presence

E-Business Laurier's Consulting Division.

We help local K/W businesses & startups with business development. For free.

Our Work

Over the past term, EXACT has been working closely with two local companies: ShawermaPlus and Sneek. With these clients our focus has been on finding and developing strategies to help attract and retain Laurier’s student population. Moving forward with Sneek and ShawermaPlus, we will continue to keep brand awareness on campus a priority through gearing promotions to student clientele during peak times

How We Help


EXACT, EBL's External Business Consultancy Division. Using industry best practices and innovative methods of analysis, EXACT Teams, made up of undergraduate business administration students (BBA), help local Kitchener / Waterloo Businesses in marketing, logistics, and research operations. The students operate on a volunteer-hours basis, as a way of giving back to the local KW community in a high-impact way


For clients who require marketing intensive solutions, E-Business Laurier provides a mix of traditional and online strategies for maximum efficiency. In particular, we specialize in social media marketing by using the most effective platforms and tools necessary in order for companies to reach their goal. E-Business Laurier also develops relevant special promotions for clients in order to increase company exposure and increase sales from the target demographic.

Our Team

E-Business Laurier’s 2014-15 executive team has been created with students and clients in mind.  

EXACT Upper Executives

Davis Campbell


Adam Siek

VP of Marketing – External 

Adam McBain

Director of EXACT

Steph Mollenhauer

Director of Human Resources

EXACT Junior Executives

Brad Catherwood

Kyle Chan

Ali Hasani

Aaron Hewgill

Alston Lin

Anastasia Martynovitch 

Scott Wodhams

Jamie Wood

Contact EXACT Consulting

For any EXACT Consulting inquiries, please e-mail us at sample@somethingsomething.com